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HR Blog


23 Apr 2020

Actions and affirmations that will armour you up against COVID-19

Jenny Brockis

“Worrying is like a rocking chair – it gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere”. English proverb.

There has been a lot of focus on leaders keeping up morale, managing productivity and enabling clear communication

But what about you?

It seems that very few are immune to the stresses the Coronavirus is leaving in its wake.

A recent YouGov survey revealed that:  77% of people are stressed about not being able to see family; 71% are unhappy about not being able to see friends; 60% are worried about not being able to pay bills; 49% are worried about losing their jobs; 48% are concerned about not being able to feed their family; and 1 in 5 Australians are currently purchasing more alcohol than usual.

One of our latest Tech Fest webinar global keynote featured speaker, author, trainer  and mentor Jenny Brockis. During her talk Armouring Up vs COVID 19, Jenny shared the three  essential areas to focus on in order to stay well and retain sanity during the global pandemic: mental well-being; physical well-being and social connections.


Even better, she offered proactive optimism with actions and affirmations to help us re-connect us with what it is to be human:

Adopt a thriver's mindset.

Ask people how they are going, but don’t accept their immediate response.

Resist the instinct to always put on a brave face.

Acknowledge true feelings – theirs and yours.

Make the time to talk.

Every morning ask yourself, “How am I feeling today?”

Schedule pleasure into your day.

Remember the power of gratitude.

Every day write down three things you are grateful for.

Remember the power of a smile.

Lean in to what you can do for your community.

Adopt a mindful approach – focus your thoughts on one thing at a time.

Go outside.

Be still.


Get physical.

Reward yourself with exercise over food.

More whole foods, less processed food.

But enjoy your chocolate.

Move more and sit less.

Be upstanding.


Think about what you can do for others.

Focus on what is possible and choose to take action on it.

Stay curious.


 … and so much more. You can hear more wisdom and positivity imparted by Jenny – including more about stress (the good and the bad) - by viewing the recording of her webinar.  




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